Changing your email account password
1. Login to the online WebMail application: and enter your credentials.
Note: If you're unable to login, please contact Tech Team (

2. Once you've logged in, click on your email address on the top-right corner and a menu will appear. Then click on Password & Security.

3. At the Password & Security page, type your new password under New Password and type it again under Confirm New Password to confirm that it matches, then click save. Note: Please save this password in a secure place.
Password Requirements: Passwords must be at least 5 characters long & password strength must be at least 5.
Highly Recommended: Please create a strong password with at least a minimum of 8 characters (the longer the better), which contains a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and at least one special character.
Password Requirements: Passwords must be at least 5 characters long & password strength must be at least 5.
Highly Recommended: Please create a strong password with at least a minimum of 8 characters (the longer the better), which contains a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and at least one special character.

4. You should now see a "Success: You successfully changed your password." message.

Congratulations! You have successfully changed your password for your email account.
For questions, comments or suggestions, please email Tech Team (
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